Q: I am interested in working with you, but I live far away. Do you offer online coaching?

I do! Please visit the services page for more information; I offer remote coaching for both training and nutrition. This is an excellent way to work with me from afar, while still receiving the customized programming and accountability my in-person clients receive working with me.

Q: I want to train with you, but I’m on a very limited budget. What are my options?

I never want budget to be the reason that you can’t have access to training. Let’s chat to discover a solution that may work for you. Perhaps you train less frequently, but we can go through parameters of what you should be doing on your own in between our sessions. Online coaching is also a more affordable alternative to working with me one-on-one.

Q: I’m a total beginner/I’m too old/I’m recovering from surgery/I’m afraid it will be too intense. Where do I begin?

Let’s schedule a time to chat and I can hopefully alleviate any fears that you have about just getting started. I work with people of ALL levels, from the elderly to competitive powerlifters, and everyone in between! You will never be asked to do more than you can handle, and each and every person is met where they are currently. It’s never too late to get started.

Q: I am a man. I noticed that your website is heavily geared towards training women, can I still train with you?

Of course! I primarily serve women and am passionate their needs, however, I am very experienced in working with men as well (and currently have several male clients, from teenagers learning the ropes in the weight room to retirees looking to improve their golf game). One of the major misconceptions about training males and females is that they must be trained differently, which is simply untrue. Of course special populations (like a woman who has just given birth) have special considerations we need to meet, but in terms of exercise selection, training for muscle growth and fat loss, there are not many differences in the way women and men need to train.

Don’t see your question listed here? Contact me today and I’m happy to respond.