Why Hire a Coach?
Depending on where you live, gyms may be re-opening soon. Many people are eager to return to their barbells, dumbbells and the group classes they haven’t had access to over the past few months, and unfortunately the tendency of many people will be to jump right back in and do too much way too soon, especially if you’ve been doing strictly body weight exercises and random YouTube workouts for the last few months.
On the other hand, maybe you’ve realized over these past few months of Covid-19 Quarantine that training at home is actually better suited to your lifestyle and schedule, and maybe you’re eager to build out your home gym now that stores are opening back up.
In either scenario, right now is THE best time to hire a coach, and in this video, I break down why. At the end of the day, whether you’re training with someone virtually or in person, they are there to help hold you accountable and to provide a safe way to return to the gym, or to more intense workouts. A good coach should provide a structured and an individualized program to help YOU meet YOUR goals, and they should be willing to answer any questions you have and explain why you’re doing every exercise you’re doing.
Click HERE to watch this video. If you’re interested in learning more about coaching with me, let’s chat.